Another old NACBA Newsletter

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Another old NACBA Newsletter

Post by LambeauLeap » Thu Aug 04, 2011 5:28 pm

NACBA Newsletter: Week 11/12
Secretary/ Editor-in Chief: Nick Spitulski
Other positions will be named as soon as volunteers are available.

Majors Week in Review: (synopsis)
This article will be a brief rundown of the past week's events in
the majors. Records, changes in standings, and player performances
will be reviewed. This should give the reader the week's events at a

Minors Week in Review: (synopsis)
At least until the end of the season, this will be formatted the
same as above.

Weekly Transactions:
--if Jason Russell would be kind enough to e-mail me a complete list
of all the week's transactions, I could add those in (of course, it
would simply be a review of the transactions, as they come out daily)

Weekly Power Rankings: (synopsis) I would like to set up a team (and
possibly player) power ranking system, as Scripps-Howard does with
football. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

The Playoff Hunt: (after game 120--normally we will start this around
game 110 or so)
Eastern Conference:
Atlantic: W L Pct. GB
Jacksonville 70-50 .583 --
Carolina 70-50 .583 --

Wild Card:
London 67-53 .558 3
Harlem 54-66 .450 16
Key Largo 53-67 .441 17
Trenton 45-75 .375 25

Marquette 88-32 .733 --

Wild Card:
Mobile 79-41 .658 --
Buffalo 53-67 .441 26
Louisville 52-68 .433 27
Memphis 47-73 .391 32

Western Conference:
Denver 69-51 .575 --

Wild Card:
New Orleans 68-52 .566 --
Edmonton 63-57 .525 5
San Antonio 54-66 .450 14
Mexico City 45-75 .375 23
Omaha 44-76 .366 24

Las Vegas 79-41 .658 --

Wild Card:
Long Beach 72-48 .600 --
Vancouver 61-59 .508 11
San Jose 58-62 .483 14
Calgary 56-64 .466 16
Phoenix 55-65 .458 17

I don't plan on embellinging much on these standings till it's crunch
time. Then we will have more detailed reports on the Chase (starting
next week). Someone will also have to tell me for sure if this is
correct. There is a wild card team from each division, isn't there?

Seasonal articles:
Free Agent Insider
College Draft Insider
-these will take an in-depth look at the FAs on the market
in the offseason and the college players available in the draft.
Later features will include pick predictions (hopefully) and other
interesting topics
All-Star Week: Voting, Results, etc.
And More........

Governing Board Reports: (normally there will be more of

Normally, the Governing Board members will be listed here....

Commissioner's Report: Week 11/12

1) The FPS Conversion project is in full steam. Brad, Jason Kloes
and I will be having a power dinner/drinking/brainstorming session
to work out some details and questions that were asked.

2) Remember to contact Jason Russell regarding your Russell Rule and
Respricted free agents. This needs to be done by next week, I

3) The Web Page problem will be fixed tonight, hopefully.

4) Brad will probably let you all know that in talking to some of
the FPS programmers, that they have actually heard of the NACBA. We
are becoming quite a force in the Online Baseball League World. I'd
like to thank you all for your continuing contributions in making
the NACBA the best online baseball league in the world!

Thats all for now,

Matthew Rectenwald

Secretary's Report: Wk. 11/12
I'm going to make this short and sweet, since I'm making other
comments throughout this newsletter. First, I would like to thank the
Governing Board for voting me in as Secretary. You made a wise (read:
non-Yim) decision. Second, the final decision regarding the NACBA
Weekly Meetings is that we will split into 2 groups: attend either on
Sat. evenings at 8 CST or Sun. afternoons at 1 CST (in case you
attend Mass or whatever Sun. mornings. We will deal with those not in
attendance later: if you could agree on a time during the week to
meet...........Also, when it is announced that attendance is
MANDATORY (probably rarely), all efforts should be made to be there.
I will only call mandatory meetings with the consent of a majority of
the other Governing Board members. Usually, important things will be
mailed out to everyone, as long as there is not a multitude of
information involved. The point is, however, to avoid using for very general of superficial questions. We can
take care of those at the meetings. That does it for now. Thank you.

Submitted for Your Approval........
--articles of general interest to the league (the more literary
section--you can be creative!)

Player Profiles:
Team Profiles:
Other articles:

Being Thrown into the Fire (Johnny Chow)

The past season in the North American Computer Baseball Association
has been an eventful one. The league has seen Jacksonville win
another championship, Edmonton, an expansion team, make it to the
championship series, 4 new expansion teams emerge, many new
associates, many veteran owners retiring their post, and a
reconstruction of the constitution to fit the needs of the league.
To see so much change within one season's time has truly been
amazing. With these changes came a whole new herd of owners being
appointed and put in various situations.
There is only one thing clear about the situations that the
different owners inherit. No two situations are the same. It sounds
like a clichŽ or something, but it became a clichŽ because it
provided truth and wisdom. Some owners inherited brand new teams
(expansion), some like expansion (Mexico City), some with no future
(Louisville, J. Crawford), some playoff caliber (Carolina), some
championship caliber with problems in the future (Mobile), and some
with great history (Las Vegas).
On the surface, people might be loathing the great situations
inherited by Terry Stapleton (Mobile) or Johnny Chow (Las Vegas),
but there is a deeper picture. If an owner inherited an expansion
team, he is free to mold the team in any way he or she pleases.
There are obviously obstacles, but everything is decided by the
owner. There is little pressure on expansion teams to succeed so the
owner may take his time if necessary. The great achievement by
Edmonton last year can only be attributed to the great job that Lloyd
Dick did. On the other hand if the team does poorly the first few
years, it's actually expected. On the other hand, an owner who
inherits an existing team is put in a very different situation. Some
owners inherit some hideous problems that might put them in a worse
hole than just starting from scratch. Some owners might not agree
with the strategy that the previous owner liked. And more recently,
many of the owners have been thrown into the fire. Because of the
great turnover rate in the NACBA as of late, many owners do not have
a chance to learn as an associate. Personally, I still don't know
many of the talented players in the league because I haven't had the
time to venture around and analyze all the teams. When I was flooded
with trade offers after becoming the owner of the Las Vegas Hustlers,
many hasty decisions were made and as a result, I feel some of those
early trades were mistakes. Not only this, but there is pressure
on a number of the new owners. There is certainly a question of
loyalty. How do owners deal with that? If it's a bad situation,
then it's just time for change, but what if it's a good situation?
What if it's a situation where the team is winning, but the owner
doesn't like the make up of the team? Then what should be done?
Should nothing be changed out of respect for the great job that the
previous owner has done? So many questions that must be dealt with.
No matter how you look at it, there is only one conclusion. I said
earlier that there is only one thing clear about all the situations.
Well, I was wrong. It's also clear, that the job of the owner is to
win, win, and win. That is the job of the owner and with the
different make-up of the new owners, many people think it can be done
in different ways. Being thrown in the fire is one thing, but it's
clear that you better be running out onto the winning pathway before
something gets burned.

By Skip Flippy, NACBA exclusive

NACBA Wire - Commisioner Rectenwald: mediator, cunning team owner,
all-powerful commissioner. We all know him by these monikors and many
others. Did you also know that he moonlites as a manager for Ground
Round!!! Yes, you heard it here first, me, Ball-o-fat smithson, Mr.
Rectenwald has been spotted serviing customers and taking head counts
here in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for Ground Round!

We received word from an anonymous brad, er, source, that Rectenwald
has been trying to meet chics. He's tried church gatherings, he's
tried singles functions, and he's even tried going to womens' athletic
clubs!!! It's hasn't worked, so as former player/teammate/friend
Chester Featherduster said, "He had to do something, and he thought
the waitresses there were hot!"

We snuck former cohort/player for Rectenwald Hayfu Sobah into the
resturant desguised as a balding business man, and guess what!?!?
Rectenwald was seen hitting on women at the bar while serving them
Marguieritas! After some conversion with Rectenwald, Sobah determined
that his cover was not blown. He then proceeded to probe "The
Recte's" mind to see why the Commissioner of the world's greatest
Baseball league would work at Ground Round.

Rectenwald stated in conversations that "After living with jeff Kloes
so long, I've got tired of living in the shadow of such a handsome
man. did you know that he starts some modeling jobs soon? I had to
get out, as I need to find some chix before I lose all my hair and it
starts to grow out my nose! I saw that the chickys here are pretty
"GOOD TO GO DER", so I had to do something. Anyway, I love doign
this. I'm the shit, and I kick ass."

Sobah could barely hide his laughter, so when that typical Hayfu laugh
was heard, Rectenwald immediately recognized him and threw him out of
the restaurant , yelling "STAY AWAY FROM HERE! THESE ARE MY CHICKS!"

Rectenwald then issued a statement the next day stating that "I took
the job at the Ground Round so I may earn my keep. I did not come
here for the women. As my mentor Mark Rosetti once said, "DON'T F&$^
the HELP!!!"

We here have brought it to you first...the man who Commissions by day,
and digs chick at the Ground Round at nite!

This is Skip Flippy reporting..

PLAYOFF UPDATE - By Brad Browne (ed. note: One of the 2 wild card
methods in this newsletter is correct, but I don't know which--I've
heard of both......)

Well as we wind down towards the end of Season III, we have a range
between teams. There are not going to be many surprises this year as
to whom is going to get into the playoffs. Here is the breakdown by


Marquette 88 32 .733 (Atlantic)
Jacksnvle 70 50 .583 (Central)
Carolina 70 50 .583 (Central)
Mobile 79 41 .658
London 67 53 .558

Well, You can assume that Marquette will take the Atlantic, and if you
have doubts, you better stop sniffing your mom's Pam. Whomever
does'nt win the battle for the Atlantic division will be done for the
year, as Mobile has all but locked up the Wild Card. Right now it's
between Jacksonville and Carolina for the Central, but London keeps
moving in and out of the top spot. It's going to be a photo-finish
between the 3, and there's no telling whom may do it. I'm more
partial to Carolina and London then Jacksonville, but the Monarchs
have been the most consistant. Carolina has been on a hot streak
since the week before Brad browne left his post. Willis brother #45
has take good care of the Coastals.


Las Vegas 79 41 .658 (Pacific Division)
Denver 69 51 .575 (Midwest Division)
N.Orleans 68 52 .566 (Midwest Division)
LongBeach 72 48 .600 (Pacific Division)

I like New Orleans over Denver for the division title. Denver is on a
streak of luck, and has been riding Alvin Leacher so far. Things
won't last, and I see an injury decimated, but more stable Crawdad
lineup taking the Midwest. Whomever wins between the 2 will face a
formidable Long Beach lineup that has thrived since the trade of Steve
nebraska. Wherever the former owner Evan Darrow went we dont' know,
but we do know he left a very good team that is in the shadow of yet
another formdible Las vegas Hustler lineup.


CHAMP) in 5 games

Mobile sits in the shadow of Marquette, but don't even think of
counting them out. They will crush all foes, but they have NO
DEPTH!!! That could pose a problem.....

Mobile (PLAYOFF CHAMP) in 5 games

GET OUT OF THE WAY MOBILE!!! Marquette is on a "mission from gad"....

(MIDWEST CHAMP) in 4 games

N.O. is no match for either team from the Pacific division. You can
sub in Denver and the same thing would happen.

Beach (PLAYOFF CHAMP) in 6 games.

They are both good, and it will be a struggle, but the aging Las Vegas
lineup will overpower the younger powerhitting LB lineup.

C H A M P I O N S H I P - Marquette over Las Vegas in 6 games

Oh man, THIS SUCKS! Matt and I should be in this one. The 2 original
teams from way back in the late 80's will FINALLY MEET!!!! Present
owners Chow and Russell were once prodigies and associates of former
team owners Browne and Rectenwald, and it's only fitting (and maybe
even ironic!!!) that the teams meet once Browne and "The Recte" are

Realignment!!!! (Brad Browne-for any who missed it)

With the conversion to FPS, we will be losing the wild card teams. To
increase the element of competition and give teams a better
opportunity to attain post season play, I came up with a new

We would have a similiar arrangement as MLB does, with 2 leagues of 3
divisions, 4 teams in each. We would have the DH in the American
League, and no DH in the national. I tried to remember how people
voted on the DH amendment and tried to put teams in each league based
on that. I also wanted to have a governing board member in each
division, and have them as equally distributed as possible amongst the
league. I also listed what would be expansion teams in the upcoming
Season V or VI. With FPS we can put the computer AI (artifical
intelligence) in charge of the team, and I think we'd have better luck
with teh AI then we would with a YIM running the team...;> (Sorry

If you have comments or concerns, email them to ME, not the listserv:




West Central East

Las Vegas Marquette Jacksonville
Edmonton Louisville Mobile
Vancouver Omaha London
Phoenix San Antonio Trenton

Exp. Honolulu Green Bay Orlando



Denver New Orleans Carolina
San Jose Brimingham Buffalo
Long Beach Memphis Harlem
Calgary Mexico City Key Largo

Exp. Sacramento Nashville Albany

Speak Your Mind: (editorial section)
This section can be used by NACBA members to voice their opinions
about different topics in the league. The only restrictions are that
there be no owner/associate/team bashing. Strong profanity is not
acceptable, either (unless you're really pissed off). Finally, if
you're going to gloat about your team, you must have evidence to back
it up. I don't believe this has ever been done in the NACBA
Newsletter before, but we'll give it a try.

Well, tell me what you thought and add any suggestions you might have
for the full-length newsletter next week. Now you see why I'd like

Nick Spitulski
NACBA Secretary
Owner, Vancouver Mounties
Brad Browne
Editor, Guam Today
1986: Chicago Black Sox (73-89)
1987-1991: Valencia Stars/Suns (341-469)
1998-2005: Austin Riverbats/Marquette Suns (697-600)


Re: Another old NACBA Newsletter

Post by leejay56 » Thu Aug 04, 2011 10:30 pm

wooow,,,,,,,a long time ago,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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Re: Another old NACBA Newsletter

Post by jiminyhopkins » Sat Aug 06, 2011 3:38 am

Wow.... I was American League President???

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Re: Another old NACBA Newsletter

Post by jcrmoon42 » Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:55 am

Awesome...and I believe this references what may be my last and only championship in the NACBA/GBC/MBBA world. That is, if you don't count the offshoot ACB, but that's only for really special people. :D

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Re: Another old NACBA Newsletter

Post by recte44 » Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:34 pm

With a high tolerance for a completely whacked out financial system

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Re: Another old NACBA Newsletter

Post by jcrmoon42 » Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:34 am

recte44 wrote:With a high tolerance for a completely whacked out financial system
Good thing I never pay any attention to finances! If the owner doesn't tell me I can't spend it, then I spend with abandon! :)

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Re: Another old NACBA Newsletter

Post by braveheart » Thu Aug 11, 2011 2:07 pm

I think this is right around when I came on. No Alaska..........yet.

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