2059.04 Yellow Springs Nine Announce Coach Staff Promotions

GM: Rob McMonigal

Moderator: Trebro

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2059.04 Yellow Springs Nine Announce Coach Staff Promotions

Post by Trebro » Thu Apr 25, 2024 12:14 am

Yellow Springs Nine Announce Coach Staff Promotions
YSN Official Communication.png
The Yellow Springs Nine issued the following press release.

As with every off-season, there are changes to the coaching staff for various reasons. We thank all those who have departed for their time and are pleased to make the following announcements:

Yellow Springs Nine:

Pitching Coach Simon Ybarra, formerly of the Indianapolis Downforce, is promoted to the BBA and is now the Nine's pitching coach. Hired in 2057, he has developed the Downforce staff into one of the best in all of AAA, with an ERA last season of 3.18. In a survey of the league, his ability to teach pitching is considered "outstanding" by many, with strong complements to his work with hurlers on their mechanics, especially power pitchers, of which the Nine have several at this time.

"I've worked hard for this opportunity," said Ybarra, "and I can't wait to take our young players to the next level and help work with some of the players who seemed to struggle in 2058."

"I know the whole concept of AAAA players," said GM Rob McMonigal, "but the fact is that we had some good players take a step backward in 2057 under the old coach, Emilio Martinez. He had a good reputation, but just couldn't get the job done. I have faith that Ybarra, who made so many of these pitchers good in the first place, will continue to do so as a member of the Nine's BBA staff."

Indianapolis Downforce

With Ybarra moving to the big leagues, the Downforce need a new pitching coach, and it will be Nine Legend and BBA Hall of Famer Carlos Valle, who moves up from AA to take over finalizing pitchers for the big leagues in Indianapolis. Valle, still new to coaching players, has gotten high marks for his work with the staff in Santa Cruz in his three years there. He's known for helping pitchers of all kinds develop their mechanics. He's also good with teaching the entire team how to run, a skill he picked up watching fast players like Dong-Po Thum.

"I've really enjoyed my work with the Spartans and I can't wait to keep my coaching career going with Yellow Springs," said Valle. "It's really rewarding to bring the next generation of pitchers to the big leagues."

"We love everything Carlos brings, from his knowledge, experience, and great personality. That's why not only did we promote him, but we extended his contract another two years," said McMonigal.

Santa Cruz Spartans

Continuing a tradition that McMonigal did in the 2057 off-season, promotions continued down the line. Pitching coach Armando Rios and hitting coach Orlando Medrano are now with the AA Spartans. Rios, who joined the Silver Springs Tarpons in 2055, was a huge piece of their improvement from a doormat to a perennial playoff team. The team has never had losing season with him as the coach. He is said to be good with all kinds of pitchers and is a potential rising star in the Brewster coaching ranks. Medrano was also a part of that success, having signed on to the Tarpons in 2056.

"I'm very pleased with what I've been able to do with the Tarpons," said Rios, "and now I get to help some of those players as they move up the ladder to the key part of the organization. AA is where players either make it or learn it's time to use their college degree."

"It's probably the back end of my time as a coach," said Medrano. "And I'm honored that McMonigal thinks highly enough of me to give me what could be my past promotion. I'm 60, after all, there's only so many more years before I'm ready to go home to my family."

"These are two talented men who have brought a lot to the Tarpons these past two years," said McMonigal. "I look forward to what they can do in Santa Cruz."

Cat Island Pirates

A new coach was added to the ranks, Luis Flores, making his professional coaching debut as the Short A pitching coach. He retired early as a player, but has been coaching various youth clubs and touring teams and it's said he can assist the youth well at getting better at keeping balls in the park.

"We love giving new people a chance. It's worked out well for us and we hope Luis will be the latest in a long line of new, amazing coaches for the Nine and our youngest players," said McMonigal.

What's Missing:

There are no changes to the Rookie Ball Roadrunners.

But what of the Tarpons?

"That's a story for another day," said McMonigal, smiling. "Just you wait."
Rob McMonigal
Yellow Springs Nine Sep 2052 - ????

London Monarchs Aug 2052 - Sep 2052


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